Видання кафедри
О.В. Потій, А.В. Лєншин, Л.С. Сорока, В.І. Єсін, Б.І. Мороз. Інфраструктура відкритих ключів: технології, архітектура, побудова та впровадження. Анотація (614Кб).
Есин В. И., Кузнецов А. А., Сорока Л. С. Безопасность информационных систем и технологий – Х.: ООО «ЭДЭНА», 2010. – 656с. Анотація книги (284Кб).
Сорока Л.С. Основи теорії мінімально-надмірних сигналів. Математичні моделі та засоби обробки: Монографія. – Х.: МОУ, ОНДІ ЗС, 2006. – 280 с.Основи теорії інформації та кодування.: Навчальний посібник./Сорока Л.С., Рассомахин С.Г. та ін. – Х.: ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2008. – 264 с.
Руккас К.М., Кучук Г.О. та ін. Фрактальный анализ процессов, структур и сигналов. Монографія. – Харьков: «НЭО Энергоперспектива», 2006. – 346 с.
Сорока Л.С., Рубан І.О. та ін. Сучасні телекомунікаційні системи у цивільному захисті. Підручник. – Харків, 2008. – 255 с.
1. | ISCI’2017: Information Security in Critical Infrastructures. Collective monograph.
Edited by Ivan D. Gorbenko and Alexandr A. Kuznetsov. – ASC Academic Publishing, 2017. – 207 p. – ISBN: 978-0-9989826-0-1. |
2. | Security and noise immunity of telecommunication systems: new solutions to the codes and signals design problem. Collective monograph. edited by Sergey G. Rassomakhin and Alexander A. Kuznetsov. ASC Academic Publishing. 2017.– 198 p.– ISBN:978-0-9989826-2-5 (Hardback), ISBN:978-0-9989826-3-2 (Ebook). |
3. | Effective data processing in coding, digital signals and cryptography. Monograph / V. Krasnobayev, A. Kuznetsov, S. Rassomakhin and others. ASC Academic Publishing. 2018.– 352 p.– ISBN:978-0-9989826-4-9 (Hardback), |
4. | ISCI’2018: Information Security in Critical Infrastructures. Collective monograph edited by Ivan D. Gorbenko and Alexandr A. Kuznetsov. ASC Academic Publishing. 2018.– 360 p.– ISBN:978-0-9989826-5-6 (Paperback). |
5. | ISCI’2018: Information Security in Critical Infrastructures. Collective monograph edited by Ivan D. Gorbenko and Alexandr A. Kuznetsov. ASC Academic Publishing. 2018.– 360 p.– ISBN:978-0-9989826-5-6 (Paperback). |
6. | Sergey G. Rassomakhin (April 30th 2019). Digital Algebraic Method for Processing Complex Signals for Radio Monitoring Systems [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85590. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/digital-algebraic-method-for-processing-complex-signals-for-radio-monitoring-systems
Статті, опубліковані у виданнях, що враховуються системами SCOPUS та / або ISІ (2018-2019 pp.).
1. | Yesin V.I., Yesina M.V., Rassomakhin S.G., Karpinski M. (2018) Ensuring Database Security with the Universal Basis of Relations. In: Saeed K., Homenda W. (eds) Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management. CISIM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11127. Springer, Cham.
Print ISBN 978-3-319-99953-1 Online ISBN 978-3-319-99954-8 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-99954-8_42 |
2. | Sergey Rassomakhin, Vadim Serbin, Tetiana Kuznetsova. Method for Recognizing and Processing Complex Signals. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2019), Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, April 15-19, 2019.
Available from: |
3. | Yesin V. I. A cybernetic approach to solving the problem of database reengineering // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2018. Volume 77, Issue 5. – P. 399-409. |
4. | Yesin V. I., V. V. Vilihura Method for development of databases easily adaptable to variations in the subject domain // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2019. Volume 78, Issue 7. – P. 595-605. |
5. | Gorbenko I. D. Analysis of asymmetric NTRU Prime IIT Ukraine encryption algorithm with regards to known attacks / I. D. Gorbenko, O. G. Kachko, M. V. Yesina // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2018. – Volume 77, Issue 9 – P. 799-816. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v77.i9.50. |
6. | Gorbenko I. D. Calculation of general parameters for NTRU Prime Ukraine of 6-7 levels of stability / I. D. Gorbenko, A. N. Alekseychuk, O. G. Kachko, M. V. Yesina, I. V. Stelnik, S. O. Kandy, V. A. Bobukh, V. A. Ponomar // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2019. – Volume 78, Issue 4 – P. 327-340. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i4.40. |
7. | Gorbenko I.D. Methods of building general parameters and keys for NTRU Prime Ukraine of 5th–7th levels of stability. Product form / I.D. Gorbenko, O.G. Kachko, Yu.I. Gorbenko, I.V. Stelnik, S.O. Kandyi, M.V. Yesina // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2019. – Volume 78, Issue 7 – P. 579-594. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i7.30. |
8. | Ivan Gorbenko, Alexander Zamula, Vladyslav Morozov Information and Communication Systems Based on Signal Systems with Improved Properties Building Concept. CMIS-2019 Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2019) Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, April 15-19, 2019, vol. – 2353, p.p. 974-991. ISSN1613-0073. |
9. | Yu. І. Gorbenko, Т. V. Меlnik, I.D. Gorbenko. “Analysis of Potential Post-Quantum Schemes of Hash-Based Digital Signatur” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Volume 77, 2018, Issue 7, pp. 603-626. |
10. | Yu. І. Gorbenko, K. V. Isirova. “Improved Mechanism of One-Time Keys for Post-Quantum Period Based on the Hashing Functions” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Volume 77, 2018, Issue 14, pp. 1277-1296. |
11. | I. Gorbenko, A. Zamula and V. Morozov, “Methods for implementing communications in info-communication systems based on signal structures with specified properties,” 2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T), Kharkov, 2018-January, pp. 101-104. |
12. | Gorbenko, O. Nariezhnii and I. Kudryashov, “Construction method and features of one class of cryptographic discrete signals,” 2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T), Kharkov, 2018-January, pp. 156-160. |
13. | Lisickiy K., Dolgov V., Lisickaya I., Kuznetsova K. (2019). Block symmetric Ciphers with Random S-boxes. International Jornal of Computing 18 (1), 89-100. Retrived fromhttp://computingoneline.net/computing/article/viev/1278 |
14. | A. A. Kuznetsov, I. P. Kolovanova, D. I. Prokopovych-Tkachenko, T. Y. Kuznetsova. “Analysis and Studying of the Properties of Algebraic Geometric Codes.” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Volume 78, 2019, Issue 5, pp. 393-417. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i5.30 |
15. | A. A. Kuznetsov, Yu. І. Gorbenko, D. I. Prokopovych-Tkachenko, М. S. Lutsenko, M. V. Pastukhov. “NIST PQC: Code-Based Cryptosystems.” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Volume 78, 2019, Issue 5, pp. 429-441. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i5.50 |
16. | Gorbenko, I., Kuznetsov, A., Gorbenko, Y., Vdovenko, S., Tymchenko, V., & Lutsenko, M. (2019). Studies on Statistical Analysis and Performance Evaluation For Some Stream Ciphers. International Journal of Computing, 18(1), 82-88. |
17. | A. A. Kuznetsov, I. V. Moskovchenko, D. I. Prokopovych-Tkachenko, T. Y. Kuznetsova. “Heuristic Methods of Gradient Search for the Cryptographic Boolean Functions”. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Volume 78, 2019, Issue 10, pp. 879-899. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i10.40 |
18. | A. A. Kuznetsov, A. V. Potii, N. A. Poluyanenko, S. G. Vdovenko. “Combining and Filtering Functions Based on the Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers”. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Volume 78, 2019, Issue 10, pp. 853-868. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i10.20 |
19. | A. A. Kuznetsov, A. V. Potii, N. A. Poluyanenko, I. V. Stelnik. “Nonlinear Functions of Complication for Symmetric Stream Ciphers.” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Volume 78, 2019, Issue 9, pp. 743-458. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i9.10 |
20. | Rodinko, M., Oliynykov, R. (2018, October). An Approach to Search for Multi-Round Differential Characteristics of Cypress-256. In 2018 International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T) (pp. 659-662). |
21. | Oleksandr Ivanov, Roman Oliynykov, Victor Ruzhentsev. Comparison of Modern Network Attacks on TLS Protocol, Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T), 2018 |
22. | Lyudmila Kovalchuk; Dmytro Kaidalov; Andrii Nastenko; Mariia Rodinko; Oleksiy Shevtsov; Roman Oliynykov. Decreasing Security Threshold Against Double Spend Attack in Networks with Slow Synchronization. Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on cryptocurrencies and blockchains for distributed systems (CryBlock 2019). Paris, France. 2019 |
23. | Zhang B., Oliynykov R., Balogun H. A treasury system for cryptocurrencies: Enabling better collaborative intelligence //The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. San Diego, USA. 2019 |
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