Харківський національний університет імені Василя Назаровича Каразіна

ННІ "Комп’ютерних наук та штучного інтелекту"

Освіта, дослідження та кар'єра у світі сучасних технологій у ННІ "Комп’ютерних наук та штучного інтелекту"



Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv






TEAM International Services, Inc. (Lake Mary, USA)

Scientific and technical International Conference




April 22-24, 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Azarenkov M.O., Acad. Of the NAS of Ukraine, Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv, Chairman

Bardachov Yu. M., prof., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kherson

BombaA.Ya., Prof., Dr. Sc, Rivne

Buy D. B., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kyiv

VaninV.A., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Gorbenko I.D., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Dolya G.M., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Zholtkevich G.M., Prof., Dr. Sc., Kharkiv

Kuklin V.M., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Lazurik V.T., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Rossomakhin S.G., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Savula Y. H., Prof., Dr. Sc, Lviv

Sporov O. E.,Assoc., Ph.D., Kharkiv

Styervoyedov A. Dr., Halle, Germany

Styervoedov M.G., Assoc., Ph.D., Kharkiv

Tolstoluzhska O.G., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Tkachuk M.V., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Kharchenko V.S., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Khomchenko A.N. Prof., Dr. Sc, Mykolaiv

Shmatkov S.I., Assoc., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Shulga M.F., Acad. Of the NAS of Ukraine, Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv

Zimek Z., Ph.D., Warsaw, Poland

Yanovsky V.V., Prof., Dr. Sc, Kharkiv


Lazurik V.T., Dr. Sc, Prof., Dean of the CSD of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Chairman

Sporov O. E., Assoc., Ph.D., V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Deputy Chairman, Tolstoluzhska O.G., Dr. Sc, Prof. of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Deputy Chairman,

Tkachuk M.V., Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of MST Dept of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Kuklin V.M., Dr. Sc, Prof. Head of the AIS Dept of V.N. KarazinKharkiv National University,

Dyuldya S.V., Ph.D., Kharkiv Institute Of Physics And Technology

Esin V.I., Dr. Sc, Prof. of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Artyukh A.A., Head of Laboratory of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Zholtkevich G.M.,Dr. Sc, Prof. Dean of the MCS of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Vanin V.A., Dr. Sc, Prof. NTU “KhPI”,

Zinoviev D.V., Senior Lecturer of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Rassomakhin S.G., Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of ISTS Dept of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Styervoyedov A. Dr.,Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Germany),

Petersen S., CEO TEAM International (Kharkiv),

Styervoedov M.G., Ph.D., Head of ECS Dept of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Shmatkov S.I., Dr. Sc, Prof. of V.N. KarazinKharkiv National University

Kruhol M.M., assistent of Power Plant Department, NTU KhPI


1st official announcement

February 19nd, 2020

Welcome to participate in the Sixth conference



that will take place between

22 and 24 April, 2020


Scientists, lecturers, postgraduates
and students participating in researchprograms
are invited


  1. Mathematical modeling of the physical processes.
  2. Simulation of the informational processes in complex and distributed
  3. Systems of the computer-aided acquisition and cognitive representation of the scientific data.
  4. Modeling of the processes in radiation, plasma and other advanced technologies.
  5. Security of information systems and technologies.
  6. Models of software development and quality assessment.

The section for young scientists and graduate students will work within the conference

Working languages: Ukrainian, English and Russian.

Plan of preparations:

19.01.2020 – 19.02.2020 –publication of the Organizing Committee 1st announcement,

20.02.2020 – 29.02.2020 – submission of applications to participate in the conference,

20.02.2020 – 15.03.2020 – publication of the Organizing Committee 2nd announcement,

20.02.2020 – 15.03.2020 – submission of the scientific reports,

01.04.2020 – 18.04.2020 – delivery of personal invitations and the CMHT-20 program,

22.04.2018 – opening of the CMHT-2020 at V.N. Karazin KhNU.


The official address of the conference:

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,

Svobody Sq., 6, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61077

Tel. : +38(057) 705-42-81, +38(057)707-50-18

Fax: +38(057)707-50-18

E-mail: KMHT@karazin.ua

Website: http://csd.karazin.ua/science/konferentsiyi/

The Conference Proceedings Format Requirements

It is recommended to use the MS Word template that will be attached to the letter with the second information announcement to prepare the text of report.

The report volume must be between two (full) and four A4 pages prepared in MS Word 2003-2010.

The page margins should be of 25 mm each, header and footer are to be of 12.5 mm.

The report font must be 11 pt Times New Roman, unless otherwise stated.

The first page must have the following structure:

The page footer must contain the author’s copyright notice, left aligned.

The UDC index (in bold) must be placed in the upper left corner of the printing area.

The names of authors have to be placed below.

Next goes the centered title of the report typed in 14 pt bold capitals. The title total length must not exceed 120 characters, and it is not recommended to use in it more than 12 words (excluding prepositions). If the report title consists of more than one line, the first one should be separated by the character of line break (as by the key “Enter”).

After the title the text body begins.

All the above elements must be single-spaced.

The text body must consist of justified single-spaced lines with font size of 11 pt and no hyphenation. The paragraph indent must be 12,5 mm.

The section headings should be in 11 pt Times New Roman font. They must be left aligned and (except the first) separated from the preceding text by a single blank line. There will be no additional spacing between a section heading and the text below it.

The subheadings are to be formatted in the same way as the headings do. Only one level of subheading nesting is allowed.

The figures contained in the report can be executed in any format supported by Word; their size should not exceed the text field. All figure elements should be grouped. A caption has to be typed under the picture in 10 pt italic Times New Roman, as in the example below:

Fig. 1 The drawings caption

The formulae should be typed with the help of built-in Equation Editor 3.0 only. The font sizes are: normal – 11 pt, large index – 7 pt, small index – 6 pt, large symbol – 16 pt, small symbol – 11 pt. The formula number has to be placed in brackets to the right of formula (at the end of a line).

The tables should be centered. The table title comprised of the table number and title must be placed under the table and left aligned. Its font must be 10 pt Times New Roman. The numeration must be successive, starting from 1.

The list of references follows the text of the report double-spaced. It has to be typed in 11 pt Times New Roman according to the form of the example below. The referred sources should be numbered beginning from 1 and meet the State Standard 8302:2015.

The recommended examples of the literary sources formatting:

lib.znau.edu.ua › images › phocagallery › Pryklady_DSTU_8302_2015


The example of the references list is shown below:


  1. Стеценко І.В. Моделювання систем: навч. посіб. Черкаси: ЧДТУ, 2010. 399 с.
  2. Олифер В., Олифер Н. Компьютерные сети. Принципы, технологии, протоколы : Учебник для вузов. Питер: 5-е изд. СПб, 2016. 992 с.
  3. Лосев Ю. І., Руккас К. М., Шматков С. І. Комп’ютерні мережі: навч. посіб. / за редакцією Ю.І. Лосева. Харків : ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2013. 248 с.
  4. Ляшенко В.П., Кобильська О.Б., Дям’янченко О.П. Математичні моделі теплообміну з умовами імпедансного типу у багатошарових областях. Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла Остроградського. 2017. Вип. 6/2017 (106). С. 37–43.
  5. Боков І. П., Бондаренко Н. С., Стрельнікова О. О. Дослідження поведінки узагальнених переміщень, отриманих із використанням теорії {m,n}-апроксимації. Вісник Харківського національного університету ім. В.Н. Каразіна серія «Математичне моделювання. Інформаційні технології. Автоматизовані системи управління». 2018. Вип. 38. С. 14–24.
  6. Курило І. А., Грудська В. П., Спінул Л. Ю., Щерба М. А. Розрахунок перехідних процесів у лінійних електричних колах із зосередженими і розподіленими параметрами : навч. посіб. Київ: НТУУ “КПІ”, 2013. 289 с. URL : toe.fea.kpi.ua/te_sait/posibniki/per_proc.pdf (дата звернення: 11.08.2018).
  7. Bulanchuk G., Ostapenko A. Modeling of the viscous fluid flow around rotating circular cylinders with the lattice Boltzmann method at moderate Reynolds numbers. Bulletin of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Mathematical Modelling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems. 2017. Issue 36. P. 27–37. DOI: 10.26565/2304-6201-2019-41-09. URL: https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/10086/9614 (Last accessed: 20.11.2018).
  8. eLearning Industry [Internet source], available at the URL:  https://elearningindustry.com/         (last accessed  on 21.10.2019).

The details about the authors: full name, academic degree, title, position, company name, and (up to 3 lines) research interests, should be placed at the end of the report. The example is shown below:

IVANOV Viktor – PhD, professor of the Chair of Systems and Technologies Simulation at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; affiliation address, Е-mail : (corporate email if available); ORCID*: ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ.

* – ORCID (a unique and persistent identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and connects you to your research activities. You can obtain your unique personal identifier ORCID by registering on the https://orcid.org/register

Research interests:

  • The mathematical models in the mechanics of deformable solids.

The separate document saved in the separate file must contain brief abstracts (up to 6 lines) preceded by the report title and the authors’ names. The document should be prepared as the single-spaced text in 11 pt Times New Roman Cyr. The abstracts must be presented in Ukrainian (required for citizens of Ukraine), Russian (required for citizens of Ukraine and Russia) and in English (mandatory). The example is placed below:


Computer methods of the determination of the splashes parameters in the empirical dependences /Ivanov V. V., Petrov A. I. // Proceedings of the 6rd International Conference “Computer modeling of high-technology (CMHT-2020)”

Computer methods of the distinguishing of the splashes in the empirical dependences in the assumption of weak change of the values of a base curve in the field of splashes are developed. The questions of the efficiency computer technologies of the analysis of the results of experimental investigation in the physics of the plasma discharge are discussed.(and so on, 5-6 lines).

Комп’ютерні методи визначення параметрів сплесків в емпіричних залежностях / Іванов В. В., Петров O. I. // Праці 6-й Міжнародній конференції «Комп’ютерне моделювання в наукоємних технологіях (КМНТ-2020)»

Розвинені комп’ютерні методи виділення сплесків в емпіричних залежностях у припущенні про слабке змінення значень базової кривої в областях сплесків. Обговорюються питання ефективності комп’ютерних технологій аналізу результатів експериментальних досліджень у фізиці плазмового розряду. (і т.п., текст 5-6 рядків).

Компьютерные методы определения параметров всплесков в эмпирических зависимостях / Иванов В. В., Петров А. И. // Труды 6-й Международной конференции «Компьютерное моделирование в наукоемких технологиях (КМНТ-2020) »

Развиты компьютерные методы выделения всплесков в эмпирических зависимостях в предположении о слабом изменении значений базовой кривой в областях всплесков. Обсуждаются вопросы эффективности компьютерных технологий анализа результатов экспериментальных исследований в физике плазменного разряда. (и т.п., текст 5-6 строк).

Dear participants! Reports, which would not meet all design requirements, would not be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Information of the organizing committee

Participation in KMNT_2020